It’s the end of the world as we know it

And I feel fine.  This REM song has been going through my head through the last couple of days.  It kind of started out as a joke between Bill and me.  He says I am a right winger, but I am not.  I am conservative, but there are many issues I am a moderate.  I think that most of the country is in the middle.  President Obama was, according to reports, the most liberal senator.  Now as he begins his four years as leader of the greatest country on earth, he has been more in the middle.  I hope he stays that way.  I hope that he doesn’t listen to or bend according to the will of Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid.   I  know the democrats in Congress were jumping with joy when Obama was elected.  I am sure their dreams had come true.  They can do whatever they want, but wait there have to be checks and balances and I think Mr. Obama knows this.  He may have spoken one way to one crowd and said something different to another when he was campaigning, but that is all over now.  He has to be a straight talker and know that American people aren’t going to sit back and let our country become something we don’t want.  I intend to continue to stay informed on the issues and I will let my elected officials know what I like and what I don’t like. I hope that you, dear reader, will do the same.  Make an effort to find out about your elected officials and their voting records.  Let them know how you feel.  Just because they were voted into office doesn’t mean they get a free pass when they get to Washington.  It’s our duty as citizens of this great democracy we call the United States of America to stand up and let our voices be heard.

2 thoughts on “It’s the end of the world as we know it”

  1. I agree completely and will keep my letters going to my Representives as well. We have some good ones who fight PORK and hopefully will be able to keep it down. We will see how the New President handles the mistakes that have been made by the Democratic Congress!!!

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