Sensitivity to the max

After the horrific shooting that took place in Tucson, the sheriff of Pima County came out and stated the shooting happened because of “the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government.”  After he made this statement, a fire storm of liberals and other left leaning pundits came out of the woodwork to blame Sarah Palin, talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity among others.  During the 2010 election, many congressional districts were listed as “targets”.  This wording was apparently inappropriate and could have set the shooter off.  The left leaning media must think the American people are stupid because they continued to play this up as if the shooter, Jared Loughner, should be let off easy because he was being encouraged to commit the act of violence.   We now know that he was not encouraged by any one except for maybe the voices in his head.  So instead of trying to bring the country together especially after a act of violence that left six people dead and seven others wounded in various stages, we are now bombarded with the sensitivity police.  I should have not used the word “fire storm”.  It’s insensitive.  Any words that conjure the image of guns or violence is wrong.  The Arizona shooting did not start this.  It has been going on in our country for many years.  The Columbine Shooting in Colorado was horrible.  It is an incident that should not be forgotten. However, our society can sometimes take things away from incidences like Columbine or the Tucson shootings and take things out of bounds. A 17 year old Eagle Scout in Massachusetts was suspended from school for 20 days because he had a 2 inch knife in his car.  It was not in the school on his person, but in his car. A Rhode Island  8 year old was told  he could not wear a hat he had made to honor the military because it violated the schools ban on drugs and weapons at school. The hat had an American flag on it and green army men on it that held guns.  Just this month in Oklahoma City, a first grader was given in school suspension for using his fingers to pretend to shoot a gun.  The principal said he would be given a harsher penalty if it happened again.  These are examples from schools, but we also have an example from John King who hosts the John King USA show on CNN who recently said this, “Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race just a moment ago. My friend Andy Shaw used the term ‘in the crosshairs’ in talking about the candidates. We’re trying, we’re trying to get away from that language. Andy is a good friend, he’s covered politics for a long time, but we’re trying to get away from that kind of language. We won’t always be perfect. So hold us accountable when we don’t meet your standards.” Should he also apologize that the very network he is on once had a show called “Crossfire”?  This is all getting out of hand.  We are back to the point where political correctness doesn’t mean anything because it seems one can’t open their mouth without being politically incorrect.   So I leave you with a quote from Susan Powter, that chick with the shaved blond hair in the 1990s, “STOP THE INSANITY!”

3 thoughts on “Sensitivity to the max”

  1. Right on Jana! When we heard that the congresswoman had been shot, I predicted that all this would happen. It is so sad that it IS so predictable.

  2. You got it completely right!!! Keep this blog going. I am tired of the overreacting that is happening out there. My gosh when I was a child we played cops and robbers and shot everybody with out play guns and fingers but we didn’t become murderers or criminals. It is like hey you politically correct people get a life!!!!

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