Is everyone friends, but me?

I like to think that I have friends, but I don’t know that I really do.  There are people that share common interests with me, but are we really friends? Maybe this is a lack of self esteem although I have always felt that my self esteem is intact.  Maybe I imagine that everyone is getting together and doing things except for me.  Maybe I spend too much time in my own little world and am worrying about nothing.  I don’t know.  How do you count friends? People that you do things with? People that you know and talk to when you see them? People that read your blog and actually comment? What about people that you thought you were friends with, but then find out that they have a blog, but you didn’t even know.  What if the blog is private and you weren’t invited to read it?  What happens then? A whole new wrench is thrown into the friendship business. These are things I wonder about especially now that I am going to be moving and will have to start the whole process of making friends again.  What are your thoughts on friends?

4 thoughts on “Is everyone friends, but me?”

  1. You have put into words what I think all of the time. Banana, you and I have a lot in common! We would have never known this incommoness (not a word I know!) if blogland didn’t exist!!! I’ve been discussing this topic in length with another friend wonderer and I realize that in my life I have “majored” in acquaintances. The word friend has many meanings!!!

  2. All very good questions! Sorry I have no answers cause I have been having the same thoughts lately myself! Perhaps I need to step it up in the friend department??? Sometimes I am just to tired when I get home from work though!

  3. Being like you and moving a lot in my life time I always seemed to be the new kid on the block. The word friend should be someone who knows all about you but loves you anyway :). We meet many people ino our lives and some are friends or more like acquaintance than a good friend. I have had lots of acquaintances in my life and very few what you call close friends. I have a friend that I wnet to school with from 3rd grade and we have kept up with eachothers life’s, but we are not that close anymore. I know plenty of people from church but only 2 of them would I call a good friend (those who still live here). We meet people who we can relate too then they or we move away and the ties are broken, that is so sad. Some of the people we meet are only short time friends while there are some who come into your life who are friends forever. Don’t be discouraged just press on and as the boys grow and you get involved again in the outside world you will meet more and more people and some of them or one of them will become a wonderful friend to you!!

  4. I wanted to add one more thing . . . . three of the private blogs on my blog list, I had to ASK them to add me to their list . . . this took courage on my part, because what if they refused? Whew! No one has refused yet!

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