Spider-Man was my downfall

img_0514I am always on the lookout for stray toys that make it into the hallway and possibly on the stairs.  I have always been very diligent about this.  I get after Billy all the time for not putting his toys away.  Yesterday the toys took revenge.  As I was heading down the stairs, I slipped on a Spider-Man action figure. I was holding the banister, but I couldn’t stop myself and ended up on the floor.  I knew something had happened because I heard a big pop on my left ankle.  I am so glad Bill was home yesterday. He was able to get me onto a chair and assess the damage.  He put some ice my ankle, but it made me really cold and my teeth were chattering.  He moved me to the couch and that’s when the swelling got worse.  We went to the ER and I have a broken ankle.  I have never broken a bone in my life.  I have a temporary cast on and will go to the orthopedic doctor to get something a little more permanent.  I need to get back to the couch as I feel the pain pills are kicking in.

Happy Birthday Baden!

Today is Baden’s birthday. It is hard to believe he is one year old. It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were off to the hospital early, early in the morning so I could get prepped for a c-section to welcome Baden into the world. When he was born, he had long, skinny legs and he was so tiny. He weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces. Now he is a healthy 22 pounds and a chunky monkey. His legs are now chubby.  He is a happy baby and is pretty laid back.  He is a good balance to Billy.  He makes us laugh with his cheesy grin. He loves music and is prone to bouncing around when he hears a tune.  He climbed the stairs today and was so proud of his accomplishment.  He loves to play and he plays hard.  He just recently stopped crying during bath time.  His bath time was always really quick because he hated it so much. Now he cries when we take him out of the bath.  He also had his first swim in the pool and he loves that, too.  Baden is truly a blessing to our family and we are thankful he is part of our lives.

It will come off, right?

I had a mishap last night with some foam sealant.  We just put in a new door in our family room.  Bill used some foam sealant and then it started oozing.  A huge glob was about to fall onto the carpet and couch.  I jumped on the step ladder and saved the day, well the couch and the carpet.  My hand was not so lucky.  Sealant is exactly what it is sealant.  It seals and it is now sealed on my right hand.  The maker of the foam says use soap and water. Well, guess what, it doesn’t work!  I used turpetine, and nail polish remover.  I spent most of last night trying to peel it off which can be painful.  I was able to get the majority of it off, but I still have it on my hand.  It looks like I have a skin disease.  I had to go out to the base today for several errands.  I don’t think anyone noticed, but I sure did.  The only person who gave me an indication that he might have seen my ailment was the guy at the “Slurpee Store” (that’s what Billy calls it) and after our transaction he wiped his hand off with a towel.  I didn’t touch his hand and I purposely used my left hand to give him the money, but he must have seen my grusome, yellow hand.  I don’t really like that guy anyway.  He never smiles.  I googled “how to remove foam sealant from hands” and found that baby oil works.  Well, it doesn’t. It makes your hand really nice and soft, but that’s about it.  I guess I am just going to have to wait for this to wear off.  I don’t think I will be shaking anybody’s hand at church or they may think I need some humanitarian aid and send me to a leper colony.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Billy loves Spider-Man. Well let’s just say he really likes super heroes.  He has a Superman costume that he loves to wear around the house so of course he had to have a Spider-Man costume, too.  Of course, when I discovered this it was way, way after Halloween. So I got on Ebay.  Of course I can find a Spider-Man costume anytime on Ebay.  I did and I knew Billy would be so excited.  He was and every day he would ask me when is my costume coming.  I didn’t have an answer because I was the winning bid for costume that was being shipped from Taiwan!  My really good deal went down the drain after air mail!  I could have gone to Wal-Mart and gotten the same thing.  I didn’t know they had costumes in the toy aisles.  Well the costume did come and Billy loves it.  I love it because he can put it on by himself. (The Superman costume is not so easy.) So here is Spider-Man doing what he does best….. 

New look

So I decided to change the theme on our blog. It needed something new.  I have just discovered that many of my friends have blogs and in comparison our theme was boring. So I guess I wanted to spruce things up.  You may also notice that I have added some photos to some entries that didn’t have any before.  I have also added some posts that actually happened awhile ago, but are back dated. I love that feature! Enjoy!