Category Archives: Musing

No more popcorn

I love popcorn.  I love popcorn that is fresh and buttery. I usually keep a handle on my love for popcorn and have a handful here and there.  It all ended Thursday and thus has ended my love affair with popcorn forever.  I took the boys to Target so Billy could spend his gift card he got from his Uncle Jeff and Tia Blanca.  I was hungry and the popcorn smelled so good so we got some.  As we walked through the aisles leaving a trail of popcorn, I was enjoying the time with the boys.  Then we got home and there was still half a bag of popcorn left.  Usually Billy will eat the rest or Bill will when he gets home, but not today. No, I ate the rest of the bag.  By 5:00 pm, I was feeling it.  My stomach ached.  I did manage to make it to book club.  Friday morning was tough.  My stomach hurt so bad.  Most of you know that I have Crohn’s disease so eating popcorn is not something I should really be doing, but sometimes you just do it because you want some popcorn.  This time the popcorn did me in.  I am still hurting as those pesky little kernels make their way through my cobblestoned, scarred intestinal tract. (Pretty picture, right?)  After spending way too much time in the bathroom which I already spend too much time in anyway and having my heating pad attached almost the whole day, I have decided to go cold turkey. No more popcorn.  I can’t take the agony.  It’s horrible.   So goodbye Mr. Redenbacher.  Thanks for the memories.

Is everyone friends, but me?

I like to think that I have friends, but I don’t know that I really do.  There are people that share common interests with me, but are we really friends? Maybe this is a lack of self esteem although I have always felt that my self esteem is intact.  Maybe I imagine that everyone is getting together and doing things except for me.  Maybe I spend too much time in my own little world and am worrying about nothing.  I don’t know.  How do you count friends? People that you do things with? People that you know and talk to when you see them? People that read your blog and actually comment? What about people that you thought you were friends with, but then find out that they have a blog, but you didn’t even know.  What if the blog is private and you weren’t invited to read it?  What happens then? A whole new wrench is thrown into the friendship business. These are things I wonder about especially now that I am going to be moving and will have to start the whole process of making friends again.  What are your thoughts on friends?

Musings and Rants

I have another blog which is solely for family happenings, etc…  I don’t use that blog as a place to rant and rave about things that I think about.  It’s just not the right space.  However, I have been thinking about things lately and I since I spend most of my days at home doing domestic duty I feel I need an outlet to vent my frustrations with things, so musings of a banana is born. The name Musings of a Banana just seems to fit since some people have called me Jana Banana on occasion.  This blog may feed my “journalistic” need.  I was very much into reporting, etc… when I was in high school and college and I am a news hound.  I often think that maybe I am a bore so what better way to find out then to start a blog. So here we go…..