And so it begins, but where are the brownies

With a brother named Baden Powell and a father that bleeds khaki it only made sense to get Billy started in Cub Scouts. He is now a Tiger Cub. He had his first Pack meeting on Friday night.  At the beginning of the meeting, the Cub Master said really loud, “Hello, Pack 640!” and all of the scouts yelled back.  Then he said, “Oh good, I thought I had a bunch of Brownies here.”  As the meeting progressed, Billy leaned over and told me he was hungry. I told him we would be eating dinner when we got home.  He said well I want a brownie.  I didn’t think anything about it as usually there are refreshments after a pack meeting.  Well after the pack meeting was over and there were no refreshments, Billy asked me where the brownies were.  That’s when it dawned on me that he didn’t know the difference between a brownie and Brownie.  I said, “Oh, Billy there aren’t any brownies here. The Cub Master was talking about Girl Scouts!”   I can only expect more fun over the months to come.

So excited to be a Tiger Cub
The Cub Scout Salute

One thought on “And so it begins, but where are the brownies”

  1. Love the story what a hoot :). He looks so cute in his uniform and Baden doing the salute with Billy is just precious.

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