Happy Birthday, Sister Dunow!

Our favorite missionary turned 22 yesterday! Here in her own words is how she spent her birthday in Brazil.

Now I will tell you about a birthday I will NEVER forget!  The day started like any other day… except for the fact that we lost an hour of sleep due to daylight savings here.  My companion surprised me with a cake and a banner that said Happy Birthday (in English).  We hurried to get ready and went to church.  Of course I wore my favorite outfit- because you have to look good on your birthday!  During Relief Society (which is first in this ward)  I was holding someones purse on my lap.  After a while something dripped onto my foot… To my surprise it was coming from the purse on my lap- grape juice- All over my skirt.  Luckily it was my flowery skirt, and you couldn´t really tell.  However, I was pretty wet so I went into the bathroom to clean up a little.  On the way out of the bathroom one of my favorite members stopped me to wish me a Happy Birthday (he is in is 70´s and he and his wife always have us over for lunch, they have the cutest little house and garden).  I was talking to him when I heard a commotion, and someone go, ´´blaaaaaa´´.  I then felt something warm all over my arm and back.  My first thought was, ´´why is someone throwing water at me?  Is this a birthday tradition in Brazil?´´ Noooooooope.  The source of this warm liquid was a very sick 4 year old (in the arms of her horrified mother).  Now, you my be imagining a little bit of throw up on my arm and shirt… Noooooope.  I´m talking about projectile vomit ALL OVER ME (and my favorite outfit… on my birthday).  At this point I kind of stood there shocked not knowing what to do, as everyone backed away from me.  My companion was in another room (Sunday school had started) and I motioned for her to come out.  As soon as she came out she plugged her nose, because I apparently smelled really bad at this point.  We ran home so I could shower, luckily we live close!  Also, luckily it was not in my hair!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAAAAAAA.

The rest of the day was great though!  Everyone wished me a happy birthday, and some tried to sing in English which was pretty funny.  We had lunch with a family- the dad is from Italy, and his food was amazing! That night we had an activity at the church with a lot of cake and food.  The activity was all about Joseph Smith, and it turned out pretty great.  In the end everyone sang to me, which was a great end to the day!  So, it was defiantly a day to remember start to finish!

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Sister Dunow!”

  1. Oh my gosh, poor Jessica getting thown up on!!! I would have gotten sick myself 🙁 weak stomach!!!! Glad that she had a good day otherwise. So Proud of her.

  2. Wow! What a crazy day! A kid would throw up on Jess on her birthday… she will definitely never forget that one. Sounds like she had a good day though. Thanks for posting this!

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