An extended stay

Where do I begin? I have been through the trenches the past two weeks.  On January 28th, I went in for a balloon dilation to help the strictures I have and ended up being admitted to the hospital due to complications. I stayed for a day and was released to go home.  I got home and still had pain.  On Monday, February 1st, I went in for a CT Scan to find out the source of the pain.  I had a perforated bowel.  I was admitted to the hospital again with the possibility of emergency surgery.  I had a nasal gastric tube and a feeding tube inserted through a PICC line.  This is major stuff.  I was miserable the first few days.  I couldn’t eat and was only allowed ice chips.  I have a great surgeon taking care of me and he treated me conservatively with antibiotics and allowed my bowels to rest.  After a few days, I got to eat clear liquids. I never knew I could get so excited about broth and Jell-O.  It tasted so good after no food at all.  I have realized that there are a lot of food commercials on TV.  Too many especially when you can’t eat.  I craved mashed potatoes.  I saw one too many KFC commercials.  After a couple of days, I was allowed to eat a soft diet.  The tomato cream soup was so good.  Then I moved to the entree and there were mashed potatoes. I was in heaven.  They were so good.  I was finally released on Wednesday, the 10th and am now back home.  It was tough being in the hospital for so long. This is the longest I have ever stayed.  The longest was when I had Billy and I was in the hospital for four days.  This time was ten days.  A very long time to be away from my family.  Bill took care of me and made sure I had everything I needed to survive.  I missed Billy and Baden so much.  It was hard to be away from them. They sent pictures to me and when I got home I got the best hugs and kisses.  I am also thankful for my mother in law who extended her stay to help out.  I really appreciate that.  I am not out of the woods yet.  In about six weeks, I will have surgery to repair the damaged strictures.  It is a long road, but one that will be worth it.

3 thoughts on “An extended stay”

  1. Oh MAN! I thought it was mighty quiet on the Jana-blog-front!

    I remember when I had my surgery, one of the things they warned me about, and it was the worst-case-scenario, was that a bowel could be pierced and then there would be T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

    I’m sooooo sorry! I hope you get back to normal ASAP, but it sounds like you’ve got more hospital ahead of you. DARN, double DARN! When I had my extended stay . . . . I know that the hospital isn’t a garden-of-eden.

    I feel for you! and will be praying for you!

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