Permission Slips & Happy Meals

A woman in Sacramento is suing McDonald’s over Happy Meals.  She says that McDonald’s markets directly to children because of the toys.  Well, duh. She also says that McDonald’s makes it hard to say no to her children. She wants McDonald to stop making her job as  a parent easier. What does she do when her children want a  toy or a sugary cereal at the store? Does she give in because it’s hard to say no or does she say no? This lawsuit may become a class action lawsuit. So if the courts allow this suit to go forward, we could all get 15 cents from McDonald’s and that’s not even enough for the dollar menu. Now another crazy story is on my radar. In the town of Brookline, Massachusetts the elementary school has not said the Pledge of Allegiance for 5 years. Starting in January, the principal will begin reciting the Pledge with the students at least once a week. A letter was sent home with a permission slip. Imagine having to give permission so your child can say the Pledge of Allegiance.  Now the ACLU is involved. They don’t think it should be the parents decision, but the children should decide.  These are elementary school aged children.  Most elementary school kids I have been around can’t decide what they want for lunch much less decide whether they should say the Pledge.  So one parent in California hates that she has to say no to her children and a school in Massachusetts has sent out permission slips.  So here is a call to arms. Eat a Happy Meal and then recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Just make sure you wipe the ketchup off your face first.  Mmmm…french fries.

2 thoughts on “Permission Slips & Happy Meals”

  1. This is such an example of what is wrong with our kids these days . . . spineless parents, and kids who are being given important decisions in which they have no mental capacity or background enough to make their own decisions. Our kids are so empowered to be individuals that they are choosing to do nothing with their lives and letting their parents foot the bill . . . which the parents do because they are spineless . . .

    Follow me????

  2. Right On!!! Those parents are not only spineless they are mindless too. What is wrong with giving a toy in the Happy Meals or the toy in any of the other children’s meals at most all the fast food places. Just say NO to you kids lady. The Pledge of Allegiance should be said everyday by the students in public schools. Where else are they going to learn Love of Country? Because they sure aren’t learning it from their parents. These people are so stupid they make me want to scream!!!! AAAARGGH!!!

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