What happened to free speech?

Last week thousands of people gathered in cities all across America for “Tea Parties”.  These were not gatherings to protest President Obama, but to protest government in general. Republican or Democrat, it did not matter.  The majority of people attending want our country back and I think are putting Congress on notice.  Next election, you might be gone.  Well I guess regular every day people can’t protest.  The left wing, liberals came out of the woodwork to complain about the tea parties.  It is okay for groups like Code Pink or other left leaning groups to protest, but not regular, pay your taxes Americans.  The mainstream media covered these events with disgust.  We already know that they don’t report fairly, but CNN and MSNBC used a disgusting term to describe the protesters.  It’s no wonder why these two networks are struggling with ratings. Comedian Janeane Garofalo and former co-host for an unsuccessful radio talk show on the failed Air America said on MSNBC, “Which, let’s be honest about what this is about. It’s not about bashing Democrats, it’s not about taxes… This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up.” She went on to call the protesters rednecks.  Oh please.  Why do the liberals care so much about these tea parties? They won. The guy they wanted is in the White House.  Can’t they just be happy? No, they will never be happy until everyone thinks like them.   So from tea parties to the Miss USA pageant…  Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was asked in the interview segment what she thought of gay marriage by openly gay Perez Hilton, an entertainment blogger.  She said, “I think it’s great Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be, between a man and a woman.”  That’s what she feels and she gave an honest answer.  Going into the interview segment, she and another contestant, Miss North Carolina, were neck and neck.  Then Miss California says ‘I think marriage should be between a man and a woman’ and she loses.  Again, what has happened to free speech?  This is the reason we can’t have an open dialogue in this country.  No one can honestly say how they feel because they will be labeled as a racist, a homophobe, etc…  The list goes on.  Until we can remember that everyone has the right to free speech we will never move forward as a country to heal these divides.

5 thoughts on “What happened to free speech?”

  1. Amen – – –

    Oh, I feel so out of touch these days!!!! Those tea parties sound awesome! We need something like that going on. And you are right free-speech is occuring only for those who have ugly things to say . . . not right and virtuous things.

  2. My thoughts exactly! Thanks for jotting them down. And who the heck is “Perez” Hilton!?!?! Seriously, was expecting a drag queen when I saw the video clip of it.

  3. I’m willing to bet that most Americans still believe the way Miss California does…may we all have the courage to stand up and say it (without apology or fear of giving offense)!

  4. Free speech only applies when you are being politically correct…at least by society’s standards. I think Tina made a good point.
    LeeAnn…Perez is pretty drag queenish…google him. Not someone who’s opinion I’d value too much.

  5. I am so tired of hearing the term “Politically Corret” it is one of the stupidest sayings going around. No one is politically correct as far as Ican see ;)!!! I agree with you all about the Perez guy who is absolutely stupid and I don’t think that that type of question should be allowed to be asked as it is such a hot issue and not appropriate in a Beauty Pageant or anywhere else for that matter. I am sick of these leftist who are trying to tell us what to do. The Tea Party was great and there are more planned. I was a captive audience to it last Wednesday!!!
    I say many races holding their signs about getting our country back. The thing that most politician’s don’t get is They work for us not the other way around and I am ready to vote them all out and Things will definately change in next years election I am sure. I cannot trust a President who puts tax dodgers in his cabinet and puts people in power who have no clue what they are doing they need to go!!!!!OK enough from me!!


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