They must think we are stupid

Robert Gibbs is the press secretary for President Obama. He is a piece of work.  When asked about the protests going on around the country about the health care reform that the administration is trying to ram through Congress, he said it was “manufactured anger.”  What does that mean? Does he think it’s only Republicans are “manufacturing” this anger. No, people from all walks of life are angry. Obama’s popularity numbers are going down big time and no one wants government run health care.  It’s about time people are waking up from the Obama induced haze that overcame most of the country during the election. Now people are seeing that he is trying to socialize every aspect of our country.  That is not the United States of America, the land of the free.  We have the can do spirit. Our ancestors were not given handouts and free stuff. They worked hard for everything they had.  I can’t imagine what they would think if they were here today.  It really irritates me that the protests that are springing up all over the country especially over the proposed health care bill are not being covered by the national media.  People are mad and they have every right to be.  The administration is trying to push these protests under the rug, but they will not go off into the night.  Congress will be going on their summer recess soon and I can guarantee every congressman or woman will be getting an earful.  Take the time to give your congressman or woman a call or email them.  Let them know you know what is going on and you won’t stand for it.  We, the people, must rise up and let Washington know that we know what is best for us.  It’s time for us to take our country back.

2 thoughts on “They must think we are stupid”

  1. Right on, I agree completely with your rant and I am thinking that the Democrates seem to think that the American people are stupid. They need to start listening to the people who voted them in office and watch what they say about us.
    Luckily I live in an area where our Reps. are there for us and if they aren’t they will be history come next election day.

  2. Way to rant Jana! I’ve been so off the political train this summer, can’t wait to get back to it after all of this summer vacationing.

    I agree totally with you. These aresome pretty scary times we are going through.

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