Category Archives: Musing

Making me feel better

A lot has been going on.  There is a lot of stress. We are moving and it’s been hard to accept even though it’s just 30 minutes away.  Then my brother who for years hasn’t really had much to do with us finally severed the ties.  I wrote the post below to help me through the feelings I am having.  Although I do feel a sense of relief and a weight being lifted off me, I am still sad.  I don’t expect comments and that’s okay.  I write because it helps me to feel better. My mom told me a long time ago that when you have something going on in your life, the best thing to do is to write.  I know that now we can share things instantly with the world. I could have tweeted. I could have put it on my Facebook status, but instead I chose to blog.  The thing about Musings of a Banana is it’s my journal.  I am able to write about things that make me think, things that make me want to scream and some things that make me want to cry.  Writing can be a very healing experience.  It can really open up those feelings that are hard to say in words out loud.  The post below was for my benefit.  If you read it, don’t feel like you must comment.  I have faith that one day I will not have an estranged brother. He will be back, but until then I choose to write and it makes me feel better.

Losing something that was never really there

I recently lost my brother.  He didn’t die. He just has decided not to have a relationship with me.  This is an answer I have been waiting to hear for awhile.  It hurt when I read the email, but at the same time I felt some relief.  All of these years I was trying to have a relationship with someone that didn’t want to have one with me.  I was sending emails, cards, presents and making the actual phone call only to receive silence on the other end.  I tried. I really did try.  Now I have a brother and an estranged brother.  He is the one that we don’t talk about. He doesn’t have anything to do with any of us.  We never did anything to him.  My parents supported him in everything he has ever done.  If he was playing football, baseball or what ever sport was in season, my parents were there.  I was there too.  When he joined the Navy, my parents and I were there when he was sworn in and then when he graduated from basic training.  When he got married, we were there.  Then that’s the end.  He got married.  When I got married, I also married my husband’s family.  They are a quirky bunch, but they stick by you.  When my brother got married, he left.  He wasn’t the same person.  He and his wife had children and they became their own insular family.  They have no contact with us. His wife’s family is not together.  She doesn’t talk to her dad. Her mom is living her own life. She has a brother, but I don’t know about him.  It is a sad feeling when you lose something especially something that has been with you since you were born.  But it’s hard to be sad when what you had hasn’t been there for a long time.

Does honor mean anything?

Brandon Davies, a star player on the BYU basketball team has been suspended for the rest of the year due to an honor code violation.  The interesting part of this story is the amount of attention this story is getting.  Now BYU currently sits at number 3 in the college basketball polls have lost the possibility of winning the NCAA tournament.  At least that’s what some commentators believe and it’s all over the honor code. When students decide to go to BYU they must sign the honor code.  It’s something that is a known fact and it’s not kept secret.  The honor code is important especially since BYU is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of which I am a member.  If the student is a member of the church, the honor code should not be hard to follow.  I am not saying that things do not happen because of the honor code. I am just saying that the honor code is something the majority of the students have already been living.  But I guess what really gets me is the crazy reactions from columnists, sports writers, etc… on this issue.  One columnist, Alexandra Petri, who writes for the Washington Post said BYU is just bizarre.  Others can’t believe that pre-martial sex is frowned upon.  Others, mostly sports writers, have written BYU’s basketball team off.  Apparently the offending player was the team.  Now they will have to limp through the rest of the season even though they are 27-3.  What has happened to the morals of our country? We don’t have to look very far to find they have gone down hill.  We certainly don’t have examples in Washington or Hollywood.  But I believe BYU has set a great example that shows that no matter what honor is more important than basketball or any other sport for that matter.  We need to get it thorough to our young men and women that we don’t go off to school to party hard and hope to graduate. We need to teach them that by being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtous and in doing good to all men that these things will get them farther than any drink, indiscretion or other immoral behavior will get them.  This young man has a huge support group and he will not be thrown out on the sidewalk.  That is one of the many wonderful parts of the LDS Church — redemption.  I applaud BYU for upholding the standards that have been set forth.  And by the way, I think the basketball team can pull it together.  Go Cougars!

The 13th Article of Faith:

aWe believe in being bhonest, true, cchaste, dbenevolent, virtuous, and in doing egood to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we fhope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to gendure all things. If there is anything hvirtuous, ilovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.


So many things to do….

I love writing. I still write letters and will continue even if it’s not the hip thing to do.  However, I have been lacking in the writing department lately.  I feel somewhat overwhelmed.  It’s my own fault. I got myself into this mess. I am the Box Tops for Education coordinator at my son’s elementary school.  I love Box Tops.  It’s free money for our school and who couldn’t use some free money especially the schools.  The deadline for the last submission is approaching and I am knee deep in Box Tops. They are all counted, but I am hoping for more so we can reach our goal.  Then there is the art program in school. Our small school district has one art teacher and he goes from school to school.  He will start teaching at my son’s elementary school in March.  Until then, I have been teaching art in my son’s 1st grade class.  It’s a lot of fun, but can be a lot of work too.  Finally, there is the Tiger Cub den that I lead.  We meet every Wednesday and I really need to start delegating.  It just seems easier to just have the activity planned and then ask for help.  So those are the things that I do on top of my transcribing that I do at home, being a wife and mother and trying to get in some me time. Oh, and my 1st grader starts soccer next month.  I have a friend who is very talented. She started a blog about the projects she has done.  They are great. It has inspired me to do some projects of my own.  My sweet husband got me a Silhouette machine (kind of like a Cricut) and I have been learning to use it.  I want one whole day just to create.  I don’t see that happening in the near future, but I have lots of ideas.  I have also noticed that my blogs aren’t as up to date as they should be.  I don’t think I am managing my time wisely.  So with projects to create, box tops to count, scout meetings to plan, art to teach, and blogs to write I really need to get the ball rolling.  There really is enough time in the day. I just need to use it!

Still musing and ranting

I have been absent from my personal blog and I think it’s having an effect on me. I still muse and I still rant, but I haven’t been putting those musings or rantings into words. This is something I need to do. Lately, I feel like a single mom.  My husband is working very hard to complete his degree before he retires from the military. He is also a leader in the Boy Scout troop at our church and oh yeah, he works. His schedule is sometimes crazy. Early flight, but then class at night. A lot of times I don’t get to see him very often. Then on the weekends, he needs some down time.  I totally get this.  I need my down time, too, but I think I really need to get back to musing and ranting.  There are so many things to rant about and many things to muse about.  I don’t understand why people unload their groceries and then leave their car in the parking space next to them or even worse put the front wheels up in the median area like that makes it better.  How hard is it to take the cart to the designated cart area?  This is a musing and a rant.  The woman suing McDonald’s because she believes McDonald’s is bad for her children now that is definitely a rant.  I think I will save that one for later.  Musings about how exciting it will be for my stepdaughter to be in Brazil on her mission in April is something I muse about a lot.  Wondering if my soon to be 7 year old has ADHD is on my mind lately, too.  He will get tested in January.  Figuring out how to get organized so I can stay on top of teaching art at my son’s elementary school, counting box tops for Box Tops for Education, being the Tiger Cub den leader for my son’s den and just trying to stay sane are things I muse about on a daily basis.  I feel so behind this holiday season. I have no gifts wrapped yet. My mother in law will be here tomorrow and I still haven’t done the big scrub down on the house.  Of course, my mother in law is wonderful and she will say nothing. She will probably even tell me that she has kitchen duty.  Already I am starting to feel better. I have been feeling on edge. Little things can set me off and I hate that.  I don’t like yelling or sending kids to their rooms.  I need this. This is my therapy. I need to write. I need this space.  I need to muse and rant!

My friend is here

Yesterday, my husband told me the air space around Albuquerque would be closed because my friend was visiting.  I thought who’s coming then it dawned on me that my friend was none other than President Obama.  Yeah, he’s in Albuquerque to have a “backyard” chat with some middle income families in the South Valley.  I guess these backyard chats are like FDR’s Fireside chats.  While FDR got things done, Obama is just a bunch of hot air.  He goes around the country to places like Ohio and Virginia to meet with people in their backyard to talk to them about the economy and what can be done.  Well I have an idea and I know it sounds crazy, but how about the president stay in Washington and actually do something.  President Obama is always in campaign mode because that’s what he does best.  When it comes to do the actual job, well that’s another story.  I have never aspired to be president and I know it is a hard job, but come on, Obama, buck up and do something.

As a side note while President Obama wants to do something for the economy is hurting local businesses in Albuquerque particularly the balloon business. The Balloon Fiesta starts Saturday and balloon operators are already losing money because of restricted air space. One balloon operator, who owns Rainbow Ryders, said he stands to lose $10,000 while the President chats in a backyard.  That’s really doing something about the economy.  Oh and by the way, the Vice President will be here on Thursday to campaign for the Democratic nominee for governor and if he stays overnight, the same balloon operator said he could lose up to $50,000.  Balloon enthusiasts are very nicely, but firmly saying hit the road, Joe, as soon as your campaign fundraiser is over.  If the Vice President stays over night then Lt. Governor Diane Denish who is running for governor can probably kiss a lot of votes goodbye.

Not one of those parents

I am volunteering at Billy’s school teaching art.  There is an art teacher in the district, but he can’t be at all of the elementary schools at the same time.  So we have an art program that is run by volunteers.  I got my background check, fingerprints and photo id all done.  I went to mandatory volunteer training.  So this week was my first week in the classroom teaching art with another parent.  The teacher stayed during the class.  I didn’t mind that she was there until she interjected herself into our lesson.    Instead of allowing us to run the classroom, I guess she felt she had to do it for us.  This is Billy’s teacher so I definitely don’t want to step on any toes.  It was just awkward that she stayed.  The kids were more reserved because she was there.  She is pretty strict and for some teachers that works.  When I taught school that wasn’t my style not with kids and not with adults.  Art should be fun and the kids shouldn’t have to worry that their actions could possibly get them in trouble with their teacher.  Obviously I am talking about minor infractions. Kids nowadays are drilled and drilled so the school will meet the adequate yearly progress which Billy’s school has, but learning should also be fun.  Kids are going to remember the lessons that were fun and interesting, but still taught them reading, math, etc…  I asked the question to the coordinator if the teacher had to be in the room. The answer is yes even though the district personnel director said otherwise.  I don’t have a problem with the teacher being in the classroom, but now that I have raised the question I don’t want to be one of those parents. I just want to volunteer to help with my son’s school.  I have no ulterior motives. I certainly don’t want to teach elementary school. I like teaching adult basic education and GED courses.   I just want the kids to have some fun for 40 minutes every other week in art before they have to go back to the serious side of academics.

He Lives!

The ninth anniversary of the terrorist attack on 9/11 is upon us.  I wrote last year about how we can never forgot.  Something else we can never forget is that Christ lives.  The cross known as the Ground Zero Cross was found by a worker in the still smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center.  This cross became a symbol of hope for the rescue workers, construction workers and the families of those who died.  Church services were held under the cross.  As I looked at this image, the one thing that kept coming to my mind was He lives.  Despite the awful tragedy and the many lives lost, He was there to give comfort and provide hope.  He is still here helping us through.  The attacks on September 11th will forever be a scar on our country, but we have hope because He lives.

Not there

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of  Latter-day Saints I understand the importance of being able to build a sacred place.  Temples are an important part of my religion and there have been many times over the years when a temple is announced that the community does not want it there.  Since I understand this I believe as the president said, “I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes that right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan.”  Now this may shock many of you.  But this is as far as I agree with him.  They do have a right to build on private property, but why so close to Ground Zero? I have read and heard that this mosque and community center is to help heal the city and the country for that matter.  The problem is that no matter what the developers say it isn’t going to happen.  I don’t think the wound from 9/11 will ever close completely.  All Americans are scarred.  When we hear on the news that the Fort Hood shooter was in contact with an Imam (and American born no less) and that the same Imam was in contact with the Christmas Day bomber, what are we suppose to think?  When the Imam of the proposed mosque, Feisal Abdul Rauf, has said that the United States was an accomplice to what happened on 9/11, what are we suppose to think?  If building a mosque and community center is to help with healing and to have a better understanding of Islam then build it somewhere else.  It’s that simple.

Let them eat cake

Michelle Obama recently took her youngest daughter to Spain.  The trip is getting a lot of attention especially with the economy not doing so well.  When I first heard this story I didn’t really think too much about it. Yes, it did bother me that it cost $146,000 to fly the Air Force 757 that took Mrs. Obama and her daughter to Spain.  It also bothered me that it costs $95,000 for the Secret Service, but I really wanted to just gloss over this story.  Then I went to downtown Albuquerque to drop off donations to Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless and St. Martin’s Hospitality Center.  Seeing people who have very little or nothing made me think that although the first lady is not an elected official, she is someone that some people look up to as an example. She certainly did not set an example by going to Spain.  In her husband’s inaugural address he talked a lot about sacrifice,.  Or course, he meant the American people and not him or his family or his administration for that matter.  While Michelle Obama wants everyone to grow a garden and eat healthier, she jetsetted off to Spain to take her daughter somewhere she always wanted to go.  When I was downtown today, I thought maybe it would have been better for her to take her daughter to Southeast DC.  Instead of an international lesson, she could have given her daughter a domestic lesson.  I have a feeling it would have made a bigger impression than the King and Queen of Spain.