Category Archives: Rant

Campaigner in Chief

When Barack Obama was running for president, he was the ultimate campaigner.  Now that he is president, he continues to campaign. I don’t think he really knows anything else.  He was a college professor, worked as a community organizer, served in the state legislature in Illinois and then in as a senator in the US Senate and now he is president.  He seemed to have a made himself a plan long ago and he made his goal of becoming president, but now that he is in the Oval Office he has no idea what he is doing.  He is a smart man, but I think he is arrogant.  Take for instance the health care debate.  The majority of Americans do not want this bill to pass and are against the democrats using reconciliation to do so.  Does anyone in Washington listen to the American people?  There are some members of congress that appear to want to do the right thing, but will it happen?  Will they let the campaigner in chief persuade them or will they listen to their constituents and do what is right.  There is a need for health care reform, but this bill is not the way to do it.  The health care summit was just a bunch of hot air.  Nothing was accomplished and the democrats are determined to do something, anything to get this bill passed.  As the president continues to campaign on health care maybe he will start listening and find out what the American people really want.  That’s probably just wishful thinking.

Political Theater at its best

The Health Care Summit held by President Obama and attended by members of Congress was billed as a  way to get ideas out on the table. President Obama said he didn’t want talking points and hoped the meeting wouldn’t turn into political theater. Unfortunately, that’s all it was.  For seven and half hours live on TV, Republicans and Democrats filled the room with hot air.  Then by the end there was no compromise and no promises of working together. Instead the president wants to go ahead and try to ram the bill through.  Does he even care about the American public thinks?  I know health care reform is important and something does need to be done, but I think the Health Care Summit should have been a Getting America Back to Work Summit instead.  A lot of people don’t have health care insurance because they don’t have jobs.  I don’t understand why the White House is so hell bent on getting health care reform passed.  Polls taken by Rasmussen show that 56% of Americans oppose the proposed health care reform while 41% favor the reform.  I don’t think the White House is really paying attention to the American people.  In case any politician has forgotten, you work for us.  The people voted and fortunately we have the power to vote you out.  I think the 2010 elections will be very interesting for both parties.  Both parties, Republican and Democrat, have done a big disservice to our country.  We have to regain control of our country. Remember the opening line of the Constitution … “We the People”.

Nobody cares, Tiger Woods

This morning Tiger Woods had a press conference after months of silence after his fall from grace. He has been reportedly in therapy for sexual addiction after it was found out that he had affairs with several women.  He has lost some sponsorships, but I don’t think it is really hurting his pocketbook.  His wife has left him.  The day after Thanksgiving is a slow news time. Tiger Woods to the rescue.  He crashed his car and then the fallout.  I was disappointed in him.  I admired his athletic ability, but also his poise that he showed on and off the golf course.  I was right about the athletic ability, but not the poise.  It is a sad situation, but I really don’t care.  Couldn’t he have just apologized in private? Why does everything have to be in the public eye? Even after this press conference most questions on people’s minds weren’t answered.  He will be back playing golf, but when? Is he trying to work things out with his wife? Are they heading for a divorce?  But ultimately, I really don’t care.  Tiger Woods needs to continue to work on his “atonement” and the world doesn’t need to be a part of that process.

What are they smoking?

Robert Gibbs, Obama’s illustrious press secretary, was on Fox News with Chris Wallace this morning.  He was doling out the same message that his boss has been touting.  Scott Brown, recently elected to be the newest Massachusetts senator, was elected because people are upset about the past eight years.  Yeah, Scott Brown got elected because the people in Massachusetts are so mad at George W. Bush.  Scott Brown is a republican.  Then Gibbs says today that people voted for Scott Brown because they support Barack Obama.  HUH???  I don’t get it.  They voted for Scott Brown because they don’t want health care jammed down their throats.  The people of Massachusetts know what that is like and they don’t like it.  The statewide health care plan is a failure.  It is way over budget and people don’t get the care they were promised.  Scott Brown campaigned as the 41st vote to take down health care reform.  I can’t believe that I am saying this, but Nancy Pelosi actually had a sane comment.  After polling the House of Representatives, there are not enough votes to pass any type of health care legislation at this time.  This from Nancy Pelosi.  I am convinced that Obama has no clue.  He doesn’t listen to the people.  He went to Ohio while he was campaigning for president. The unemployment rate was at 6.9 percent and he visited a drywall factory.  He went to the same town in Ohio on Friday. The unemployment rate is at 10.9 percent and the drywall factory he visited in 2008 is now closed.  Doesn’t he get it?  Apparently not.  He still talks about getting money back from banks that have already paid back TARP money.  If you pay attention to the stock market, you will see that the stock market numbers have gone down since Obama started demanding pay back from the banks.  The unemployment rate continues to go up as he continues to keep trying to tout “green jobs”, but he doesn’t see that “green jobs” are not the answer.  He wants another stimulus package, but the first one didn’t work.  He wants health care reform, but he refuses to listen to the American people who don’t want government intruding.  What are you smoking, Mr. Obama?

If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

Bribery seems to be the word of the day in Washington. As snow fell on the nation’s capital, senators from Nebraska, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Michigan to name a few were getting a sweetheart deal.  Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) made a big stink this week about wording in the bill about federally funded abortions. He said he could not vote for a health care bill that would allow this.  Well, now he is on board.  Apparently the wording has been reworked and Nebraska will never, that’s right never, pay for the additional people added to the Medicaid rolls. You the American taxpayer will be paying for those folks in Nebraska.  Nice deal.  This means that all the other states will be paying more.  But Ben Nelson isn’t the only one voting for this bill because he got an early Christmas present.  Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) wasn’t thrilled with the bill either, but his state will now get $10  billion dollars in new funding for community health centers.   Ben Nelson and Carl Levin (D-Michigan) also worked out an exemption for non-profit insurers in their states from a hefty excise tax.  Similar insurers in the other states will pay the tax.  In addition to the $10 billion going to Vermont, the state along with Massachusetts were given additional Medicaid funding.  I am sure there is more, but this makes my blood boil.  Here I thought Ben Nelson might really stand up for something, but all he did was fall down.  If I was a senator from another state, I would be knocking on Harry Reid’s door asking for the same type of deals.  Dirty Harry says that all states are treated differently and that it’s all about compromise.  This health care bill has nothing to do with compromise.  An overwhelming majority of Americans (56%) are against the health care bill.  They are happy with their health care.  President Obama comes out and says 31 million people are without health insurance.  Well guess what, the 10.2% of people who are unemployed have no health insurance because they lost their jobs.  What about that, Mr. President?  Instead of taking care of the economy, he is worried about passing health care reform.   There are things that can always be done better and things that can be improved, but ramming a health care reform bill down the throats of the American people is not the way to improve the health care system.  I wonder what our founding fathers would think of this “compromise”.  It’s plain and simple bribery and it makes me sick.

Check out this web site.  Put your senators and representatives on notice.

Iran + USA = Ain’t going to happen

President Obama strides while he walks.  He has a  certain confidence about him. This can be good and this can be bad.  Everyone needs self confidence, but the president’s is a little more ego than anything else.  Since being elected, he has claimed that the stimulus bill has helped our economy, but why is there a 10.2% unemployment rate.  Then he thinks he can go to Copenhagen and Chicago will be given the Summer Olympic Games for 2016.  Didn’t happen.  There there is Iran.  For some reason he thinks he can just have a peaceful meeting with the leaders of this country and everything will be okay.  When I was a kid, I watched the ABC World News with my dad almost every night.  I remember seeing images of the ayatollah and thinking what an evil man he was.  I made a comment like I wish he would just die.  I know it was a horrible thought.  Then the next morning, my dad told me I had got my wish and that the Ayatollah Khomeini had, in fact, died.  My dad, who flew all over the world while serving in the Air Force, said Iran was the only country he didn’t feel safe.  That is saying something.  I wonder why the Obama administration continually wants to be “friends” with a country that doesn’t want to reciprocate.  It doesn’t make sense.  During a recent meeting of the Iranian parliament, the MPs shouted in Farsi, Death to America.  Yeah, I think they really want to just get along.  Hardly.  Iran is an evil country run by evil people.  That’s all there is too it.  I know that not all Iranians are bad.  It’s their government.  There have been uprisings in the street to protest the sham election of Ahmadinejad this past summer.  The Obama administration turned a blind eye to the protesters much as they did the protesters in our own country reacting to health care reform.  The protesters of Iran are looking to Obama and saying you are with us or against us.  Right now, he’s against them.  He has a dream of a nuclear free world which would be wonderful, however, you can’t negotiate with terrorists and Iran is a terrorist state.    Until Obama figures this out, Iran will still be working on their nuclear program despite sanctions and they will still hate us.


Tired of being sick and tired

I am sick and tired. I mean really sick and tired.  I don’t want to do anything.  I don’t have H1N1.  I don’t know how I avoided getting it after being around a bunch of kids who had it.  We came home unscathed from Utah.  No my problems are all about Crohn’s.  I had a colonscopy in September. It was really rough.  I was sore for a week or so.  I started feeling better, but now I am down and out.  It really stinks.  I have abdominal pain and it’s no fun.  My favorite thing is my heating pad.  I am restricted to a soft diet.  How unfair! I am in the land of green chilies and good Mexican food and I can’t eat it.  I get to eat jello, pasta, pudding, etc…  I guess it’s okay, but it sure doesn’t fill me up.  I have lost weight and I just don’t look good.  I fit right in for Halloween. No makeup required.   I just started on a new medication and I hope it kicks in soon. It’s called Cimzia and it’s two shots that Igive to myself.  It’s been a week so I bet it will be another week before I feel any results or at least that’s what I hope.  I know that Crohn’s is something I have to live with and for the most part I do.  There are a lot of times that I push through the pain and just get out and do the things that I need to do.  This time I am having a hard time.  I am going to get IV Iron next week so I hope that after that procedure I will be back to my old self and that this pain goes away.  Then I will be back to writing about the things that drive me crazy like the health care reform bill that is currently being shoved down the throats of Americans and I can write about the people who drive me crazy like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Until then….

Mop Brigade

Grab a mop and get involved.  Call, email, write, visit your representatives.  They need to know that they are in Washington to represent you.  The American people have to stand up and shout.  The messes we are mopping up are ones that Obama has created.  He may think he, Pelosi and Reid are cleaning up the former administration’s messes, but they are just stepping in their own.  Mops Unite!

To find out who represents you in the House of Representatives, go to

To find out who represents you in the Senate, go to

Grab a mop!

Because President Obama doesn’t know how to do anything but campaign, he was in San Francisco last night at a $34,000 per couple dinner Democratic fundraiser. He, of course, took the opportunity to blame former president George W. Bush for all of his woes.  Of course, Obama must have forgotten that he has been in office for nine months so he owns everything now.  He made this comment to the crowd of 160.

“When I’m busy, and Nancy’s busy, with a mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess, we don’t want somebody sitting back” criticizing, he told the crowd. “Grab a mop. We need help.”

I think you might be mopping with the wrong end of the mop, Mr. President.  Your approval ratings are dropping.  Conservatives and Liberals are upset about healthcare, the economy, Afghanistan and just about everything else that is going wrong.  The Olympics aren’t coming to Chicago, but you did win the Nobel Peace Prize.  I don’t know how that happened.  Apparently, it’s for the peace you may bring to the world, but everyone says no.  Russia has said no when it comes to Iran.  Israel and Palestine have said no when it comes to holding peace talks.  Honduras said no when asked to take back their deposed president.  Several European countries have said no when it comes to taking prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.  Doug Wilder, former governor of Virginia, said no when you asked him to support the Democratic nominee running for governor in Virginia.  Everyone is saying no.  I don’t think you get it.  The American people are grabbing a mop and they are working to mop up the messes you are making.  You don’t seem to like free speech, but I think you need to start listening and get ready for the mop brigade.

Jimmy Carter is crazy

When President Obama spoke to a joint session of Congress, Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted out “You lie.’ when President Obama said that illegal immigrants will not get health care under Obamacare.  Rep. Wilson apologized and President Obama accepted.  That should be the end of the story.  But oh no, Jimmy Carter and others on the left have cried racism.  What a slap in the face not only to Mr. Wilson, but also to the American people. Do they really think we believe that what Mr. Wilson did was an act of racism.  Jimmy Carter is from Georgia. Mr. Wilson is from South Carolina.  Are all white southerners racist?  Of course not, because if Jimmy Carter accused Joe Wilson of racism then he cannot be a racist, too.  It is a shame that racism is even being brought up.  This situation is over. An apology was given and it was accepted.  I thought,  even though I was not happy about Obama being elected, that maybe the issue of racism would be put to bed.  Instead it is rearing its ugly head because Maureen Dowd and Jimmy Carter, Caucasians, have the nerve to even say it.  I am a not a racist, however, under Jimmy Carter’s definition I guess I am.  It is a shame that since President Obama has become president that if you exercise your right to free speech and oppose anything that Obama wants, then you are a racist.  What is happening when we can’t even say how we feel without being branded a racist?  Being labeled a racist is a very serious charge.  It is not something to be taken lightly.  I think Jimmy Carter needs to go back to his peanut farm, but before he heads back to Plains he needs to apologize to Joe Wilson and the American people.