Cellphones and Happy Meals

It seems everywhere I turn the government wants to intrude on my every day life.  New Mexico Senator Tom Udall has introduced legislation to help limit the cell phone “bill shock” that occurs when cellular customers unwittingly exceed their monthly limits for voice minutes, text messages, or data usage.  This is a waste of time.  When a person gets a cell phone a contract is signed.  If a person can’t afford a cell phone then they shouldn’t have one.  It’s that simple.  Why should the cell phone companies have to warn their customers that they are almost out of minutes when they should already know this.  Then I read in the paper about San Francisco.  They have gone after plastics bags in stores and now they are going after McDonald’s specifically Happy Meals.  Everyone knows that kids want the toys that come with the meal.  They usually eat the meal, but the toy is the main attraction.  Now the city council in San Francisco wants to ban Happy Meal toys unless there is a vegetable or fruit choice.  Well, SF City Council, there is a fruit choice. It’s called Apple Dippers.  My kids love them.  They would rather have them than fries.  While there is 10 percent unemployment nationwide and even higher in some states and people are worried about possibly losing health care coverage because of the new Obamacare restrictions, a senator from New Mexico and the San Francisco City Council decide that cell phone “bill shock” and Happy Meals are more important.  We, the citizens of the United States, can make our own decisions for the good of  our lives and that of our families.  We don’t need dopey politicians trying to make them for us.

8 thoughts on “Cellphones and Happy Meals”

  1. This is definitely the work of politicians who cannot make a difference anywhere else so they go for something they think will be easy to win.
    Chances are Udall either got a big surprise on a phone bill of his own or a family member, or probably more correct the child of a donor. Where was this bill 10 years ago when it was easy to go over on minutes etc… Now most people have an everything unlimited plan.
    It is true that there are far more pressing things that need to be addressed in this country.
    I guess Udall can get his bill attached to something with greater meaning (but completely unrelated) to get it through.
    Apparently it is ok to piggyback on something to take a jab at something completely unrelated…

  2. I am tired of politicians trying to run my life most of them can’t even run their own and make good choices but I can so the should just butt out!! I am with you on this totally.

  3. McDonald’s and now 3M have come out and said they may cut coverage for their hourly employees at McDonald’s and retirees from 3M. Unemployment and health care seem to be the focus. Those in office and those desiring to seek office need to look at the issues that are really affecting people not cell phone bills and Happy Meal toys.

  4. Of course they are making those changes because the bottom line is not as thick as it once was.
    In order to ensure the overall profit margin does not go down cut health insurance and retirement programs so the CEO etc… can make the cash grab.
    And honestly most of the health care changes are good for the majority of our citizenry, it is the insurance companies that are working against health care reform. There is no reason why we should have shrinking health care benefits and the CEO of Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield still gets millions in pay.
    While I agree that politicians need to wake up and start doing something and working together to help their special interest (thats us by the way) I understand why they go after cell phone bills. They need to do something so they can feel and look successful. It is like playing a game at the beginner level when you are able to play at an expert level. You will definitely rack up more points.
    As for the SF City Council this resolution overshadows the good work they do for San Franciscans.
    I still dont see how this ties in with Obamacare.

  5. The Attorneys General in 21 states have filed suits to protect their citizens from being forced to buy health care insurance. Arizona, Missouri, Georgia, Indiana, Virginia and Louisiana voters have all passed the Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act. Oklahoma and Florida will have the initiative on the ballot in November. Another 28 states have filed the legislation. Obamacare is making us purchase health care insurance even if we don’t want to. This goes right along with cell phones and happy meals. Government is intruding in the lives of the American people way too much.

  6. We have to have Auto Insurance as well. What is the difference?
    Seems to me that having to have health insurance is better than forced car insurance. Both are equally devastating to the individual and society. We all pay higher premiums to cover ourselves from the un/under insured. The same thing is happening with health insurance. The problem here is not Obamacare it is the health care system and health insurance companies. I would much rather have the intrusion of mandatory health care than to be worried about my cell phone bill etc…
    The health care bill at least had good intentions of fixing something that the majority of Americans expressed concern about, unlike the thousands of other bills that are a true intrusion into our lives.
    The problem is not the health care bill but the way the insurance companies decided to spin it and make it seem as though they will all go broke with this plan. I see nothing wrong with making sure children cannot be precluded from getting insurance because of pre-existing conditions. Because of this law the insurance companies have stopped children only policies.
    The intrusion has come from those who want to tell us how to live and then mandate it instead of trying to help us live better and have more peace of mind.
    Lets not mix up the good intentions with outright intrusion.
    Perhaps if the President and the congress had all gotten together as citizens in a non-partisan cooperative way the health care bill would have been an incredible thing.
    We the people need to re-calibrate our perspective and realize that regardless of our political views or ideology that our representatives only have one thing on their mind and that is to re-elected while serving the interest of the few who contribute well.

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